Friday, January 30, 2009

Medicine Woes

I've had this cold for over a month now and I'm dying. My lovely husband introduced me to nasal spray and I soon discovered that it is one of the most wonderful inventions in the world! However, I neglected to read the directions. Vicks Nasal Spray is a 12 hour spray, meaning one should only use it twice a day. I got to the point where I was using it about every two hours and used an entire bottle in about two weeks. You see, the thing about nasal spray is that it is addictive, which my husband told me , but I conveniently ignored. When I finally recognized that I was addicted to nasal spray Noah told me that I must quit cold turkey. I have been miserable. My brain has told my body that it needs to stay congested and gross. I've been taking Sudafed, but the directions say that once you've used it for a week, to stop use. So I'm medicine-less and rapidly losing my sanity from loss of sleep (I can't stand breathing through my mouth!) I'm procrastinating going to bed because I know that my nose will become congested and I won't be able to sleep anyways. I guess I've learned that I have an addictive personality.

1 comment:

Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh, Sarah, you dear soul. Yes, that nasal spray will get you every time. :) I started getting a cold and let me tell you the best medicine I've found: Zycam. It's awesome. And hopefully not addictive. :)