Monday, September 8, 2008

New Calling

Ok, so I'm really excited about my new calling. The bishopric kept calling me and talking to me about callings, but it took forever for our records to get transferred and they can't extend a calling until you're "officially" in the ward. So finally, after some false alarm callings (activity days leader and piano player-I can't even play the piano!) I receive the calling of...the laurel advisor! I absolutely loved young women's in my ward growing up. I had some of the most amazing leaders and for the most part all of us girls were friends. This is super lame, but I have dreamed of this calling because I am such a firm believer in the inspiration behind the Young Women's program. My first Sunday in Young Women's went pretty well except the first thing that I found out from one of my laurels is that she knows my husband's little brother. I called him when I got home from church because I just knew that he had probably made out with her and broke her heart or something. I won't tell the whole story, but some drama occurred between them and is still unresolved. I hated boys like my little brother in law when I was in high school, but I love him to pieces now, and I could have punched him right in the face when I found out what went down with him and this girl. I already feel so protective of these girls and I don't even know them. I'm really nervous for this calling because I am by no means a perfect example for these girls. I have to remember that it is important to be their friend, but most importantly I'm their leader and there's a line that can't be crossed. I've developed the bad habit of swearing and I'm nervous that a cuss word is going to slip out in the middle of my lesson or something. Anyways, I'm excited and nervous and so many other feelings, but first I need to start being an example and hopefully I can be the same type of leader that my leaders were to me when I was in young women's.


Jewls said...

Sarah that's so exciting! I hope that when we go to a family ward someday I can serve in young women!

Becktacular Duo! said...

You will be great!!! I just got released as the Beehive advisor, and it is so fun! It's hard, but you will be so wonderful, I just know it. I'm in the primary now, and it's pretty challenging! But have so much fun in YWs, and let me know how it goes! Hugs!