Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Breaking Dawn Concerns

Ok, I've read a couple of other blogs about the whole Twilight thing, and yes, I am quite obsessed with the books as well. I didn't do the whole midnight party thing, but I did wait in line the next morning to get my copy. So far, I don't like it at all. I won't go into too many details because some might not have read it yet and I'm a firm believer in not spoiling books for others. I don't know, it's not like these books are anything like the Harry Potter series, but I still feel a little connected with the characters and I'm really disappointed with everything so far. I mean, obviously Stephenie Meyer couldn't please everyone, Bella had to either pick Edward or Jacob. I'm a huge Jacob fan. How sexy is it to know that if you're cold you can be immediately warmed up by a sexy Native American werewolf? Ok, I'm a little biased because although my husband isn't Native American, he is huge and his body temperature is always super hot. Not to mention that he is outrageously hairy everywhere except his head. I just think I might be married to a werewolf. It is a little ironic that he always opts to work graveyard shifts...hmmm...and maybe that's why the dogs next door are always making noise too. Definitely something to think about.


Jewls said...

Ha ha, you crack me up! I didn't love Breaking Dawn either. Although I was never a Jacob fan, I thought it was retarded the way she kind of passed him off. I felt the book was too anti-climatic. I wanted more action and danger and it all just seemed kind of dull...ah well. Of course they are not nearly as a good as Harry Potter but for some reason I was hoping for an ending that was as stellar...

The Stone's said...

Sarah!!! We need to talk about this, because I've been really disappointed thus far as well. I'm not done yet... the joys of having a 15 month old and extreme tiredness from the new one on the way, but I would like to discuss it sometime! E-mail me! Though you should know I'm in LOVE with Edward! Trevor made me a bookmark to remind me I was married to him and not Edward... let's discuss!