Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Leading Scientist in her field

My little niece Clarion has had a rough go on life ever since she was born in March. She got RSV when she was a week old from her brother and sister, who got it from my little girl. Just recently she got some type of virus in her lungs which make her cough until it seems like her little eyeballs are going to pop out. She's pretty much been sick her entire existence so far. Unfortunately because she has been sick, when anyone else gets sick they blame it on her. I admit I've done it myself. Dagny has had croup for the past week and a half and I was sure that Clarion gave it to her. And for the past few days I've had an ear infection and really yucky cold, which I assumed that I got from Dagny. However, when I went to the doctor he told me that there was no possible way that what I have I got from Dagny. I must have gotten it from the store or something. When I found that out I felt terrible for blaming my daughter for getting me sick and even second guessed my assumption of Clarion getting Dagny sick. My mother in law, the leading scientist in the field of hypochondria, was convinced that everything has been coming from Clarion. But what does she know? She's never been to medical school and the fact is that there are millions of viruses and bacterias in the world and they're everywhere. So basically no one really knows anything, only God and we have to rely on him for everything because he ultimately controls everything. We're just a very small part in the big scheme of things.

1 comment:

Krystle Ricks said...

Hi Sarah! I DO THE SAME THING! Except, I'm pretty darned sure the kid that kept getting Grayson sick... WAS getting Grayson sick! And if not, it was at least a good enough excuse to quit babysiting! haha! But's its so true. Sometimes, it's humbling to stop and think about the world, and how we really don't control any of the things we think we control. Thanks for the blog. It's nice to read something that makes ya think! And where did the name Clarion come from? It's interesting!