Sunday, January 10, 2010

Exciting Adventures at Wrestling Tournys

I'm not an expert on mothering. I've only been a mom for two and a half very short years, so I'm definitely learning something new every day. However, you'd think I'd learn from past mistakes and be more prepared when I go to public places. So, this past weekend we went to a wrestling tournament because (1) I really do like to watch wrestling, it's an acquired taste, but definitely entertaining and (2) I want to spend as much time as I can around Noah. If I didn't go to wrestling tournaments then I wouldn't see Noah for 2 days in a row, which really sucks. Anyways, Dagny has peed through her pants a number of times. After many oops moments of forgetting to bring extra pants I learned from my mistakes and brought an extra pair with me. However, I failed to bring an extra shirt. So we drive all the way down to West Jordan and Dagny is as happy as a clam drinking her sippy cup of apple juice. We go inside and sit down, and Dagny is sitting on my lap and acting not herself. She just wanted to sit on my lap and kept pointing to her mouth. I figured she bit her tongue or something. Moments after that thought passed through my mind Dagny projectile vomits all over me, herself, and the bleachers at West Jordan High School. I forgot how Dagny gets car sick. I just kept thinking how grateful I was that we were running so late that we didn't have time to eat breakfast. Luckily at wrestling tournaments there are huge rolls of paper towels everywhere and disinfectant cleaner for when kids get bloody noses, etc. My wonderful husband and another wrestler were kind enough to clean up all the vomit. Not just clean it up mind you, but disinfect it as well. But I had another problem. I didn't bring extra clothes for myself and I brought only pants for Dagny. So what did I do? I went to Walmart and bought both of us some new clothes. Great way to start out the morning, huh?

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