Monday, March 8, 2010

Life in General

It's been a really long time, but I feel as if I have been really busy. Ok, so not super busy, mostly lazy, and sick. There has been this cough/cold thing going around for a while and I was so lucky as to contract it from my wonderful husband. I have been coughing and hacking for about 3 weeks now. And the end isn't in sight. I'm not a huge medicine fan so I haven't really taken anything for it. I caved in and took some Advil cold and sinus. I hope it works.

I love being a mom. My kids are amazing. Dagny was potty trained for a week. Then one day after peeing on the floor 3 times, I decided that I'm done. We put the princess potty seat away and that's it. Yet every time I see other little kids that are the same age as Dagny and they're wearing underwear, I cringe and feel like the crappiest mom ever. Why won't Dagny just pee on the potty? Seriously, aren't diapers super uncomfortable? Wouldn't she rather feel dry and grown up by wearing little girl panties? No, not my little girl. She will not be bribed and could care less about the candy. I'm at my wits end and I give up. Sunny boy will not crawl. He's 8 months old and pulls himself around with his forearms. He weighs 23 pounds and I'm tired of carrying him. Any day now, I'd really love it if he'd start crawling, or even better yet, walking!

I'm going to school online to become a teacher. Every day on the news I hear about more budget cuts in school districts where hundreds of teachers are getting laid off. I sure know how to pick a career, huh? It gets so frustrating trying to get my homework done, clean the house, cook dinner, do the laundry, and not totally neglect my kids that some days I really could just up and quit school. But I must persevere. I know that I'm going to be a teacher; you might even say destined to teach the children of our future to love literature. I don't know what the future will be in the job market for my career, but doggone it I'm going to get my degree. Even if there's no teaching jobs available, at least I'll be able to check one more goal of mine off my list.


Becktacular Duo! said...

You'll be a fabulous teacher! :) Achieving your goal will not be something you regret.

Sounds like life is busy and fun! Hope you are doing well!

The Stone's said...

Good for you Sarah! I totally know how you feel, and I'm not even trying to juggle school! Being a mom is tough work, but you can do it! Good luck and Heavenly Father will acknowledge and bless you for your hard work and effort!