Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ear Tubes

Dagny with her daddy.

Dagny had tubes put in her ears on Monday. I definitely think the experience was harder on Noah and I then it was on Dagny and luckily everything went well. I was pretty much holding tears back the entire time because I am a forever pessimist and could only think of all the possible bad things that could happen. When they put her in the little wagon and wheeled her through the double doors I nearly collapsed right there. She was so funny because she didn't even look back at us, she kept saying hi to all the nurses that met her. She looked super cute in her hospital gown even though she didn't like it very much. Thank heavens it's all over and hopefully her ear infections will diminish in numbers as well.

Dagny in her wagon.


Lance and Nicole said...

Hey Sarah! I was actually remembering this morning about her surgery and I was going to check in on you. I hope she's doing well. I had another surgery last week on my foot and it was definitely worth it! I hope she's doing well after her surgery. She looks so cute in her hospital gown!

Krystle Ricks said...

Sarah! I didn't even know!!! How are you guys doing now? My goodness! I hope the surgery worked too! And on a side note, I haven't seen recent pictures of Dagny... her hair is getting long! And she is ADORABLE!!!

Amy said...

That must not have been a fun experience! I know that I would be so anxious and scared. It should definitely help with the ear infections though. That little wagon is a cute idea for the hospital. :)

Becktacular Duo! said...

Have I mentioned that your family is the cutest ever?? Because they are! :)

The Stone's said...

She is so cute Sarah! I'm glad everything went well! Aren't you so glad we have such healthy kids? I don't think I would be able to handle having a baby in the hospital. It's too sad! Miss ya!