Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mr. Fix-it Man

Ever since we moved into our house I've been slowly going insane by our leaky faucet. I kept asking Noah if he could figure out how to fix it and he said he would when he found the time to do it. We moved in in June and it's almost the end of October. The leak mutated from a drip to a steady stream of water. I got the water bill for the past two months and it seriously went up $20 and I think the leaky faucet was the culprit! So I thought I would be Rosie the Riveter and fix the sink myself. I watched three videos on the internet and was ready to go. I turned the water off and took the handle off and thought I found the piece with the worn down washer. I went to Home Depot and the plumbing guy looked at me with pity and asked me if I'd forgotten a piece to the part. I insisted that I did not and he handed me a package of washers. I'm pretty sure he knew I'd be back shopping for an entire new faucet, but he was nice enough not to say that. I went home to attack the sink again and found that I could not figure out how to put the sink back together. I admitted defeat and woke Noah up with the statement, "I can't figure out how to put the sink back together". Needless to say, he wasn't that happy. Eventually I started crying because I thought he was mad at me for breaking the faucet. He insisted that he wasn't mad and went to Home Depot to buy a new faucet. After an hour of figuring everything out, my Mr. Fix-it man fixed our sink with a brand new faucet. It has the little detachable hose so that I can bathe our babies in the sink! I'm very excited. The best part was while Noah was trying very hard to wedge himself underneath the sink I looked down and noticed that he very fittingly had a plumber's crack! So the moral of this story is to get something done in the house all you have to do is break it and then cry. If your husband is anything like mine, you'll always get your way:).


Kyle said...

That is some great advice. :) I'm glad you finally got your sink fixed!

Amy said...

That last comment was from me...I forgot to switch accounts. lol, I don't think Kyle would agree with your advice!

Jewls said...

Oh man, ha ha! That's so funny! I guess that's a perk of living in an apartment just call the manager and they have to come fix it!!

Krystle Ricks said...

Sarah, I love you! You are so funny!

Becktacular Duo! said...

Oh Sarah, this sounds like a great plan. But way to try and fix it yourself. Very impressive. Talk about gumption. :)

The Stone's said...

Oh man, that is so funny! I've done that before! Don't they just know it'd be a lot easier on all of us if they'd just do it the first time we asked! How are you? Long time no talk... let's email!