Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Michael Scott Moment

I don't know how many of you are familiar with The Office, but Noah and I watch it religiously and HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with an ounce of a sense of humor. Anyway, I recently had a Michael Scott moment that I'm slightly embarrassed about so I figure I'd blog about it to make myself feel better. So the other day the cutest little boy scout came to our front door and was such a nervous pervous about collecting donations for a car wash fundraiser. The basics of the fundraiser was we pledge a certain amount of money for every car they washed. The car wash was free. The kid was just so dang cute, I couldn't deny him my money to go to scout camp. Boys learn valuable things in scout camp, right? So I ask the kid what the average pledge people gave to him that was on his list. He only had one pledge so far and that person pledged $5. So I figure, hey, if that person can pledge $5, then I can at least pledge $2. I mean, how many people actually pull over to get their car washed when they see kids in some parking lot washing cars? So he writes down my name and runs along on his merry way. After Noah wakes up from his nap I tell him what happened and he freaks out slightly. He explains to me that of course people will pull over for a free car wash. He proceeds to ask me if I understand what it means to pledge money and of course I say yes, I'm not a retard like Michael Scott then it hits me, what if they washed 40 cars? That means I have to fork out $80! I can't afford that, we just bought a house, we're broke! Well, the kid hasn't been back yet so I don't know how many cars they washed. But what do I do? Do I claim stupidity and tell the kid I didn't understand the whole pledging thing and offer $10? But then I'd look like some cheap shrew who takes back a charitable donation. That won't do. Maybe I'll receive extra blessings. So the moral of the story is beware of super cute boy scouts asking for donations at your door. They're out to get you!


Lance and Nicole said...

Sarah....I would have done the same thing! I have no idea what pledging is either. We do need to hang out soon! Yeah..I hate these gas prices. We could meet up at Lance's mom's house, if that wouldn't bother you, that is

Krystle Ricks said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that is sooooooooo funny! THAT IS TOTALLY A MICHAEL SCOTT MOMENT!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! I laughed so hard!!! You poor thing... I hate boy scouts and girl scouts... they are all evil little conspirators with their car washes and their cookies! I say just don't pay him- it would be his fault for doing a FREE car wash!

The Stone's said...

Oh my gosh! That is so hilarious! I love it so much! So funny. You bought a house? Where? So fun! Give me some updates! How exciting!